Rocky the Welsummer Cockerel Sculpture


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Rocky is a stunning Welsummers breed cockerel who lives in Worcester with his five ladies, Myrtle, Fiona, Josephine, Mona, and Laverne.

The Harpers Hill creative team have hand drawn Rocky and then laser cut him from mild steel plate. The sculptures are life size and can be painted or just left to rust as shown in the pictures.

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The very first design for the Harpers Hill Garden Art Collection, Rocky’s Flock is launched.

The inspiration for this collection came from one of our creative team, Jerry. Jerry lives on a small holding located by the River Severn in Worcestershire. As well as chickens, Jerry and his wife keep a small flock of pedigree Shetland sheep and two pigmy goats Winnie and Mary. Jerry has always wanted to try laser cutting garden sculptures and Rocky being so handsome and Myrtle the dominant hen were the first subjects, and will be shortly followed by the rest of Rocky’s flock; Fiona, Josephine, Mona, and Laverne!

The sculptures are hand sketched from photographs then scanned into a format that the laser machine can read.

We currently have one style for Rocky, perfect for wall mounting outside, or even in your home. Our range will soon be expanded to feature more styles and products from the Rocky’s Flock Collection.